Updated: 04/16/19 | April 16th, 2019
Taking better travel photos doesn’t have to be complicated. I’m not an expert photographer so I decided to reach out to my friend Beth, who is! In this guest post, Bethany Salvon, the guru behind Beers and Beans, offers four simple tips on how to take better photos — no matter what your skill level is!
Everyone wants to take good travel photos, but most people are frustrated when what they see doesn’t translate accurately onto film or into pixels. Taking good photos takes time and practice.
However, there are some quick tips that can be used to make your photos better right away. It doesn’t matter if you’re taking photos with your phone, a point-and-shoot, or an expensive DSLR, some basic photo tips are universal and will help create engaging images that you’ll love.
1. Composition
Sometimes the only difference between a mediocre photo and a great photo is composition. Luckily, this is a very easy issue to fix.
When most people take a photo, they put the subject dead center. What you want to do is draw the viewer’s eye into the photo and create an image that is compelling to look at. To do this, try using the rule of thirds.
Strawberries at a Paris market. example of a boring, centered composition.
Same subject with the rule of thirds applied.
Putting it into practice: Take a blank sheet of paper and draw two lines down and two lines across. What you end up with is three columns vertically and three rows horizontally. The points where those lines cross are ideal places to put your subject. The next time you’re looking through your viewfinder, take a few seconds to remember the rule of thirds and adjust the subject appropriately. You’ll end up with a more visually engaging photo. The more you use this tip, the easier it will become.
2. turn Around/Sidestep the Obvious
What could be worse than a million photos of the same place, all carbon copies of one another? We’ve all seen the scenic overview sign, the one that says, “Stop here and take the same photo as everyone else!” Or perhaps you’ve visited a “must-see” city landmark and snapped the same old shot.
In both instances, there are usually hordes of tourist snapping photos of the same thing. By shifting your focus to the surroundings and away from everyone else, you can pick up the less obvious but equally beautiful things to photograph.
Across the street from the Moulin Rouge, Paris in HDR. After taking a picture of the Moulin Rouge, I turned around and saw hordes of tourists and the fantastic light streaming through the dark clouds. It’s much more interesting than the straight shot of the Moulin Rouge, and this photo never would have existed if I hadn’t turned around.
Putting it into practice: By all means, stop at the scenic overview. but step away from where everyone else is. better yet, turn around. find a different way to look at the famous scene. sometimes the opposite of what you should be looking at is where you’ll find the real gem.
Whenever I’m at a popular spot, I always go out of my way to walk to a different, overlooked area and take most of my photos there. You’ll get an awesome, unique photo, and you may discover an even better view than the one that was created for the masses.
3. Shoot in Black and White
Terminal love – street photos, Paris. The light in the Paris metro isn’t very inspiring. The colors in this photo are cluttering it up, and the lady and the blue signs are also distracting.
Sometimes shooting in color can be overwhelming. A lot of times there are so many colors and patterns that you lose sight of what you’re really trying to convey. switching to black and white can make the photo pop because the eye has less to look at and can focus on a specific element in a photo. shooting in black in white is by far the easiest and most immediate way to change the look of your photos.
Compare this to the above color photo. The lack of color draws your eye directly to the couple. everyone seems distracted and worn out. The black and white also accentuates the desolate anonymity of a subway station, giving the photo more impact.
Putting it into practice: switch your camera setting to black and white. spend a day shooting your travel photos this way, and you’ll be amazed at how different your images will look. This tip also works well when you have a variety of lighting sources affecting one image (fluorescent, tungsten, etc.).
If you aren’t familiar with changing your white balance, you can end up with a muddy-looking photo, but shooting in black and white will make that a non-issue. This is especially good when you have a gray, overcast day. instead of wishing for more contrast and brilliant hues, switch to black and white and watch the magic happen.
4. use Your Heart
Your camera has the power to show the living, breathing soul of your travel adventure. To really take unexpected photos, start looking with your heart anD Wtedy oczy pójdą.
Fotografia jest naprawdę jedynym medium, które może zatrzymać chwilę, zamrozić i pozwolić ludziom go przeżyć. Dlaczego nie pozwolić, aby ten mały punkt i strzelca trzymasz się w kieszeni lub ciężką lustrzanę, którą zostawiasz w pokoju hotelowym, zaczął wykonywać swoją prawdziwą robotę?
Chłopcy w pociągu – Sorrento, Włochy. Smutny wyraz chłopca i przepracowane ręce sprawiają, że jest to jeden z moich ulubionych
Umieszczenie go: strzelanie z sercem brzmi trochę abstrakcyjne, co? Cóż, to naprawdę łatwe. Kluczem jest cały czas strzelać. Świetnym sposobem na pokonanie tej przeszkody jest udawanie, że otrzymałeś szaloną okazję z ogromnym magazynem podróży (pomyśl o podróży budżetowej lub National Geographic). Oczywiście będzie wiele złych strzałów i to jest w porządku. To, do czego chcesz tutaj znaleźć głos przez aparat. Po prostu strzelaj dalej, a z czasem znajdziesz motyw podstawowy.
Większość ludzi po prostu nie strzela wystarczająco, aby odkryć swój ukryty głos fotograficzny. Kluczem nie jest przemyślenie tego. Po prostu zastrzel to. Reszta wydarzy się naturalnie.
Te wskazówki pomogą zrobić lepsze zdjęcia w następnej podróży, niezależnie od tego, czy chodzi o egzotyczną krainę, czy po prostu własne podwórko. Kluczem jest zastanowienie się nad swoimi zdjęciami. Spędź kilka chwil na ustawianiu strzału i inaczej myśleniu. Ale bez względu na to, co robisz, ćwicz doskonałość, a po prostu robienie wielu zdjęć pomoże poprawić fotografię.
Im więcej strzelasz, tym lepiej dostaniesz i im więcej odkryjesz swoje umiejętności.
Bethany Salvon jest profesjonalnym fotografem i ćpunem podróży. Można ją znaleźć na swojej stronie podróży, Beersandbeanss.com.
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