AND THEN, I transferred to STOCKHOLM…

Posted: 07/09/2012 | July 9th, 2012

I’ve been getting ready for it so long now that it doesn’t seem like it’s truly happening, however today is the day I step to Sweden. As you checked out this (as long as you checked out this on Monday), I’m boarding a flight to Stockholm, where I’ll spend the rest of the year.

Everyone keeps asking me if I’m anxious or ecstatic or afraid to be moving there, however to be honest, today I don’t truly feel anything. It seems like a typical day — like I’m just off to one more destination. You’d believe a huge life modification such as this would elicit bigger emotions from me, however I’ve been so hectic over the last few months that I haven’t had time to truly believe about it. I was completing my book, going to four conferences (speaking at two of them!), crossing the Pacific a few times, as well as trying to online life. It was why I was so burnt out. I overextended myself, as well as as such Stockholm has been on the back burner of my mind.

But as I lastly begin to believe about my move, all I can believe about are all the things I have to do as well as exactly how stressed I am about getting them done. On my instant list:

Find an apartment

Finish sorting out my visa

Sign up for regular Swedish classes

Find a gym

Figure out exactly how to hold my good friends in August

Make great deals of friends

Find time to check out other parts of Sweden

Explore every inch of Stockholm

How am I going to cram all of that into five months as well as still discover time to get out of the country when in a while as well as travel?!


Well, at least in my head.

I’ve never truly organized a huge step before. a lot of of my moves have kind of just occurred naturally since I made a decision to stay somewhere longer. I mean, is this exactly how it usually goes when you step somewhere? Is your preliminary enjoyment masked by the weight of all of your plans as well as things you believe you have to do?

I have no concept if I’m going to like living in Stockholm. I like Stockholm, it’s one of my preferred cities in the world, however will I be able to cope with the truth that I’m in ONE location for so long? What will this nomad do? It’s been years considering that I’ve stayed in a single location for a lot more than a month, as well as even little trips may not be sufficient to get me by. If travel is breaking out of your comfort zone as well as trying new things, not traveling is my traveling.

On the flip side, all those things that are stressing me out are the exact same reasons why I’m ecstatic to online in Stockholm. It’s kind of ironic. I can’t wait to discover Swedish, get up into Sweden’s arctic north, have a base of operations, take weekend trips around Europe, have a gym, as well as clear up down.

I’m truly ecstatic to step to Sweden, however ideal now, my enjoyment is a bit tempered by all the things on my to-do list, even if those are the extremely things drawing me there in the very first place. In a few weeks, when I’m all settled down, I’ll most likely feel like shouting, “Holy crap, I’m living in Sweden!!!” as well as begin jumping up as well as down, however ideal now, I’m looking ahead to landing, hitting the ground running, as well as settling into my new…home.

Book Your trip to Stockholm: Logistical ideas as well as Tricks
Zarezerwuj swój lot
Use Skyscanner or Momondo to discover a affordable flight. They are my two preferred browse engines since they browse web sites as well as airlines around the globe so you always understand no stone is left unturned. begin with Skyscanner very first though since they have the greatest reach!

Zarezerwuj swoje zakwaterowanie
You can book your hostel with Hostelworld as they have the greatest stock as well as finest deals. If you want to stay somewhere other than a hostel, utilize as they consistently return the least expensive rates for guesthouses as well as affordable hotels. My preferred locations to stay are:

City Backpackers


If you’re trying to find a lot more locations to stay, right here are my preferred hostels in Stockholm. If you’re wondering what part of town to stay in, here’s my community breakdown of Stockholm!

Nie pamiętaj o ubezpieczeniu podróży
Travel insurance coverage will secure you against illness, injury, theft, as well as cancellations. It’s detailed security in situation anything goes wrong. I never go on a trip without it as I’ve had to utilize it lots of times in the past. Moja preferowana firma, która oferuje najlepszą usługę, a także wartość:

Safety Wing (for everybody below 70)

Zapewnij moją podróż (dla osób powyżej 70)

Medjet (for extra repatriation coverage)

Looking for the very best business to save money With?
Sprawdź moją stronę zasobów, aby uzyskać najlepszą firmę do wykorzystania podczas podróży. I listing all the ones I utilize to save money when I’m on the road. Zaoszczędzą Ci pieniądze podczas podróży.

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